Good job! going during meeting time? Awesome!
So glad you got in and had some alone time. It sounds as tho he has a lot of pressure from the Borg! It sounds like your good planning paid off!
Those will be a rich treasure source for that therapist, and will give him insight into helping your bro. Your loving heart felt support of him will go a long ways into his recovery. I am sure he can see the difference between 'canned replies' (mandated replies all sounding the same... "don't talk to your brother, he will hurt your spirituality" "he doesn't go to the meetings" always talking about the borg & J, vs him ) and their love for him.
If I was in the hospital, I would want someone by my side to laugh and share good times with, instead of going over scriptures and WT articles, right? lol
He will appreciate that, and a bond will grow.
take care p.e.
cha ching.... ps, tell him hi for us!